What is "spiritual work"? What is meditation?
Learning to abide in living silence. Learning who/what we really are! Usually there are days, months or years of learning to meditate in which we instinctively begin to feel a change in "our energy" & start to learn to listen inwardly, gaining trust and self confidence. It gets easier as we go… more natural to let energy gather in stillness, paying attention to what is really going on here. While in a comfortable posture, sitting still. Simple but not always easy. Getting together with others on a regular basis that also see the need for this "work" and joy in life, makes it easier and a regular part of our lives. There is a pool of energy in a group that supports our interest in truth, maybe not effortlessly, but closer to it! At this point we begin to attract healthier things and people in our life. We begin to turn towards a path of mental health & peace and away from destructive patterns, self-images and relationships. This shows we are on the right path and beginning to mellow and mature, a life-long process really. Often it comes and goes in fits and starts, where we learn that if we veer off and lose our daily practice, it brings pain and discomfort again and we have to "start over", re-dedicating ourselves to what was helping, feeling lighter and happier. When we are ready for the next level, we may meet a teacher, fellow student or group that has been "down the road" some, experienced the problems as well as joys & insights, life's true fulfillment… it's not that anyone can tell you how to experience, but can support, recognize and reaffirm your own growing wisdom. Attuning to a deeper level of "reality", we naturally dedicate more of our time and energy to practice, we see how necessary it is to feel clearer and ever more resourceful inwardly. We see the futility of seeking outside ourselves for answers & techniques that bring only superficial relief. We spontaneously release the past… when we see it clearly for what it is: dependencies and illusions. The only real "method" is directing our attention to the source of the mind and learning to question everything that is mind-made. Discernment. Who am I? What is mind? These are the true and powerful questions that clear the cobwebs and the petty distractions that rattle around and leave us no peace. These are the questions that transform the environment of the mind to purity, silence and joy. You will know when the whole world opens up to you… when small mind and old images disappear, & freedom becomes who you truly are. :) Written by Jay, Edited by Amanda. We invite you to discuss/ question/ look deeper on the comments below.
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AuthorsJay and Amanda have been looking and discussing 'the deeper stuff' since they met and fell in love at Springwater Retreat Center in 2007. And the conversations continue ... Archives
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