Meditation Retreats
the Art of Self Discovery
Meditations Retreats in Santa Cruz:
Jay and Amanda have been facilitating multiple-day silent retreats since (2012). They have over 30 years of experience with their own meditation practices. Their love of stillness and the blossoming of Presence is behind every retreat and practice that they offer. These retreats are an opportunity to be held in a safe and supportive container for transformation. An inner relaxation can occur when the distractions of daily life are temporarily suspended. Come, be part of this delightful and sometimes challenging experience of going within. We are here to support and encourage you all the way. Our Offering and Intention: In hosting retreats we are acting on the simple need to provide a neutral, effective, reasonably priced space for ourselves & other meditators, truth lovers and inquirers. To go more fully into silence and awareness than our daily schedule and routines usually allow, relaxing into a multiple day flow of "meditation" and inquiry, free of duties & distractions. Everything is taken care of so you can rest into your Self, in a relaxed natural setting. We have extensive experience in participating, planning and facilitating retreats at other centers and for other teachers, and here; we offer our own ever-evolving, integrative approach. The Use of Words: Practice or Awareness? When we use the word "meditation" we don't necessarily mean an effort to find some ideal of stillness, but an ongoing interest in aliveness - "what is", an intimacy with life. Inquiry into or resting in essential nature... an ever-unfolding journey of direct experience. Awakening... true nature or innate Buddha-Nature, effortless presence, the ground of being... is always and only in the now, however it is presenting at the moment. Awakeness can be enjoyed while sitting, walking, working, exercising or resting. |
A 15 min talk about communication and awareness in meditation. Also a general overview of the principles behind Jay's led breathwork meditations that will be offered once a day during retreat.
Other Meditation Opportunities with us: * * Monday evenings in Soquel - more info here * * * * Jaya Ashmore coming to Santa Cruz!! Retreats are in addition to our WEEKLY meetup in Soquel (east side of Santa Cruz), offered for many years (at Shelley's Fitness) in which we have a lightly led (or silent) meditation period followed by a group inquiry, dialogue, exercise or a guest presentation/ program activity. * * Mondays 7:15 - 8:45 PM - More info and RSVP here * * |